G33K Out: Hansi Oppenheimer and the Squee Project

If you are in fandom, you probably have heard the term fangirl. And fangirls squee. Hansi Oppenheimer has started a documentary project on the concept. So of course I had to interview her.

Film Review: We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Film Review: Shirley Jackson Is Surprisingly Relevant

The movie adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s final novel is — unfortunately — horrifyingly still relevant.

Geek Out episode 34: The Man Who Unlocked the Universe red carpet

G33K Out: ‘The Man Who Unlocked the Universe’ Red Carpet

I talked to some of the people involved in the short film “The Man Who Unlocked the Universe”.

poster for 'The Man Who Unlocked the Universe'

The Man Who Unlocked the Universe Red Carpet

I talked to some of the people involved in the short film “The Man Who Unlocked the Universe”.