July 23 Fringe Notes

blog updates

For those regular followers of my blog, who may have seen my schedule planned, you’ll notice I did not write a review of Helios Fire Tribe or of Late Night with Skip & Dave.

The Helios Fire Tribe had apparently cancelled last week, too late for the programs to be changed — although it’s still listed on the Fringe website and no notice about the cancellation is on there as far as I can find.

As for Late Night with Skip & Dave, I got there actually a little early due to the previous cancellation, and the time was listed as 10:30 pm. This was one of the few times the program would fit in my schedule where I wouldn’t be completely knackered the next day as a result. However, 11 pm rolled around, and the team STILL wasn’t ready. So, I skipped out of it, hoping I might be able to catch it some other time.

Also, an update: I will most likely not be catching the “Iron Artist” competition after all, as I just remembered that our 5 pm show is actually a 90 minute show. So, by the time we got out, got to the car, and drove where we needed to be, it would most likely be over.

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